Monday 26 August 2013

Teochew Flaky Yam Mooncakes by Carol Lam

Teochew Flaky Yam Mooncakes

Makes about 12 pieces.

Yam Paste 

Ready made yam paste from KCT

Water Dough Ingredients:
200g  Plain Flour
15g    Icing Sugar 
70g    Clarified Butter (substitute with Ghee)
105g  Cold Water

  1. Sieve the plain flour into a mixing bowl.
  2. Mix the icing sugar and clarified butter in another mixing bowl.
  3. Roughly mixed the shifted plain flour into Step (2).
  4. Pour in all the cold water to form a dough. 
  5. Use the folding method to fold the dough till it is no longer sticky to your hand (about 5-6 mins, do not fold too many times as gluten will form.)
  6. Cling wrap over the mixing bowl with the dough and rest for 40 mins.

Oil Dough Ingredients:
160g     Cake Flour / Top Flour
80g       Clarified Butter (substitute with Ghee)
2 drops Yam Essence

  1. Sieve the cake/top flour into a mixing bowl.
  2. Add in the clarified butter with the flour and mix well.
  3. Add in the yam essence into Step (2) and form a dough (do not knead too long as gluten will form).
  4. Pour in all the cold water to form a dough. 
  5. Use the folding method to fold the dough till it is no longer sticky to your hand (about 5-6 mins, do not fold too many times as gluten will form.)
  6. Cling wrap over the mixing bowl with the dough and fridge it. 

  1. Take out the oil dough from the fridge and divide into balls of 40g each.
  2. Divide the water dough into balls of 65g each.
  3. Flatten the water dough and wrap in the oil dough (smooth side of the water dough is at the outside).
  4. After wrapping the oil dough into the water dough, flatten the wrapped dough and roll into thin oval shape. 
  5. Flip the dough over and roll up into a swiss roll (from the shorter side). Cover with a cling wrap and rest for 10 mins.
  6. After resting, roll the dough into a long oval shape (roll from the shorter side).
  7. Flip the dough over and roll up into a swiss roll (from the shorter side). Cover with a cling wrap and rest for 20 mins.
  8. Divide the yam paste into 12 pieces (45g each). 
  9. After resting, cut the dough into half (from the long side). 
  10. Flatten the cut up side and roll into 10 cm wide thin round shape. 
  11. Flip the dough over and wrap in the yam paste (do not pull the dough as it will break). 
  12. Place the mooncakes on a baking tray lined with baking sheet. 

  1. Bake in a preheated oven at 200°C for 25 minutes or till the layers of flaky crust can be seen. 
  2. Remove from oven and put on a wire rack to cool.

Recipe adapted from Carol's 芋頭酥

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